The wellness benefits of journaling
September 30, 2021
2 min read
Some people meditate. Others like to run. But increasingly, we’re turning to journaling as an affordable and accessible way to check in with our mental wellbeing – documenting thoughts and plans and getting organised in the process. And while it may sound tenuous, science is starting to weigh in on the tangible benefits of keeping a journal. It’s widely acknowledged that emptying the contents of a busy mind onto paper can help instil a sense of calm and order (who doesn’t love a list?), but did you know that journaling has also been shown to help improve memory, sleep, and even boost our immune systems? Read on to discover more.

Processing thoughts
One of the reasons many people start journaling is to calm a busy mind. Removing the clutter of thoughts from your head and committing them to paper can have a liberating effect – a useful practise if you struggle with sleep. But there’s more to it than that. Writing daily can help identify negative thought patterns so that later down the line, when we realise we’re heading for similar territory, we’re better equipped to recognise and remedy it.

Start small
Something curious happens when we put pen to paper. Thoughts become crystallised and a sense of perspective that may otherwise have been lacking begins to appear. If you’ve never written on a daily basis before, noting down just one thing you’re grateful for each day can be a great way to start your journaling journey.
“I write a journal every night called ‘A line a day’ which is a snapshot of my day – just little things that I want to remember about my little boy or something positive from the day,” says Sarah Carr, Lifestyle Ambassador.

Plans & projects
Not all journals need to be weighty streams of consciousness, as the current trend for bullet journals – part to-do list, part life-planner – illustrates. Whether you’re a die-hard planner, or woefully disorganised, the bullet journal is an invaluable tool to motivate and shape plans for the future. Keep one close at hand and jot down notes whenever they come to you, using designated sections or colours for notes on work, life, and finances, leaving all-important space for wild cards, projects and side hustle plans to flourish.

AM or PM
The great thing about journaling is you can do it whenever it suits you. If the thought of rolling out of bed and writing Morning Pages fills you with panic, put time aside in the evening instead to reflect on your day. Even making brief notes on the go counts. “I first began journaling during lockdown earlier this year, writing down only positive things that happened that day to remind myself that on a difficult day, there is always a silver lining to the clouds,” says Caroline Archer, Brand Ambassador. “I live life quite day-to-day because of my eldest daughter’s health needs and I’ve always found that dropping down daily reminders of all the milestones helps boost spirits. Whether it’s a few notes on your phone, or physically writing, the process itself is also calming, comforting, and affirmative.”